quarta-feira, janeiro 19, 2011

For Those...

...Who Have a(stupid) Heart.

"All these eyes have the same color, 
Everything tastes the same. 
Amid the station, 
Everything looks equally boring; 
The same faces, the same situations. 
The only thing that stands out from all of this, 
It's you. 

And no use to look for someone to replace 
My heart doesn’t accept anything of that 
Everything is so fake, automatic; 
I’ rather what is surreal, but true. 
I reject any way that’s not your way, 
And like everything that sounds like this, so ridiculous. 

In every word of outdoor, 
I remember the nonsense you speak. 
Every song, I imagine it in your voice. 
His smile is so sincere a torture for me. 
I can’t not returt to everything you say, 
It’s like smile at the wind. 

Sometimes it's too frustrating , 
Feel and not being abble feel; 
Seeing without being able to touch; 
Close my eyes and every time scold me, 
Because I cannot even think, 
On you. 

I prefer words like this, so loose. 
They form a context. 
Actually, what I need is a pretext, 
To call you and hear your voice once more before asleep, 
Maybe then I go back to dreaming. 
With you. 

And If still sleep wouldn’t come, 
I released the cable, set it all up, 
And I stop to watch it again. 
Sitting, looking the progress of this game. 
And sometimes controlling me, policing myself; 
To not feel, to not think; 
To not see, to not touch, to not like. 
Just the same as I always do ... 

I don’t like to admit, 
Talking, not even consider 
But now I dare myself to say 
And I struggle every minute 
To not think about you 
What I mean is 
I struggle every second 
To not love you. "

Por: Lorena Costa - Em algum momento por aí.

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